Common Questions

  • No. While all United Methodist churches follow the denomination’s Book of Discipline in regard to doctrine and practice, churches are as varied as people. Some have a very conservative nature and others are more progressive.

  • The United Methodist Church is open to all persons who seek to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. In acknowledging our oneness with all of God’s creation, a reconciling congregation invites lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons to share our faith, our community life and our ministries. But it does not stop there. A reconciling congregation affirms the same for all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, economic status, or physical or mental condition. University UMC seeks to be an inclusive congregation. We proclaim our commitment to seek reconciliation of all persons to God and to each other through Jesus Christ. We work diligently to make the larger United Methodist Church inclusive and welcoming of all people.

  • Our community of faith embraces the belief that human beings experience longing for meaning, purpose and a desire for transcendence beyond oneself. From early in the history of humanity, religions emerged and evolved in response to that longing. But we also acknowledge that while the institutions spawned by religion have had many positive influences, they also at times have inflicted great pain. For that reason, many people today consider themselves to be “spiritual but not religious.” At University UMC, we believe that the human spiritual journey is profoundly enriched when it is shared in community with others – and we believe that how we treat each other and the world we live in is far more important than any recitation or adherence to a particular dogma. University UMC welcomes those who are “spiritual seekers” with open arms regardless of where they are on their faith journey.

  • Yes. Podcasts of our sermons are updated each week here.

  • Our communion table is open to all. All are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper as this meal is for God’s family and we are all God’s children. At UUMC, we celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at our 8:30 am Sanctuary worship service and on the first Sunday of every month at our 11 am service. Communion is served by intinction, in which the bread is dipped in the wine and both are taken together.

  • Learn more about United Methodism here.

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